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作者: 佚名来源: 网络文章 时间: 2022-03-31

An Unforgettable Thing

In my life I've experienced many things but one thing is the most unforgettable for me.

One day when I was on the way to school,I saw something lying on the ground.I walked over and picked it up. It was a wallet in which was much money. I thought the owner must be very worried and would come back to look for it, so I decided to keep waiting here.Fortunately,the owner appeared soon.I returned the wallet to him and left quickly. To my surprise,the owner found me in my school the next day and he told the story to the headmaster.I was praised in front of all the students and teachers,which made me proud.

I will never forget that day and that thing.







1. unforgettable令人难忘的

2on the ground在地上

3 pick sth.up捡起/拿起(某物)

4 owner主人;所有权人

5come back回来

6 look for寻找

7 headmaster校长

8 praise表扬;称赞

9 proud自豪的


1In my life I've experienced many things but one thing is the mostunforgettable for me.在我的生活中,我经历过很多事情,但有一件事是最令我难忘的。

② One day when I was on the way to...,I saw...一天,我走在去······的路上,这时我看到··..··

3 I thought sb.must be very..,so I...我觉得某人一定非常···.··,于是我······

4 I was praised in front of ...,which made me proud.我在·····面前受到表扬,这使我感到自豪。

5.I will never forget that day and that thing.




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